Tap into your senses and experience the life-changing benefits of creative interventions.



Need a safe space that allows you to ease the burden off your HIGHLY SENSITIVE mind through therapeutic arts?



Life Coach, Therapeutic Art & Wellbeing Facilitator

Certified Training Alliance

Hi, I’m Mavis, your HSP buddy!


I am a certified life coach, therapeutic art & wellbeing facilitator based in Hong Kong and London. As a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) myself, I’ve always felt a need to navigate the world through profound introspection and find ways to channel the intensity of my thoughts and emotions. Expressive arts naturally became a means for me to give physical and emotional expression to these sensations. Simultaneously, my fascination with the human mind and my desire to empower others led me to pursue my major in psychology. However, I felt a disconnection when I was unable to fully realise my creative potential within the confines of this scientific field.

Fuelled by my belief in the healing power of art, I decided to address this tension creatively. During my training as a therapeutic art instructor, I found a deep connection with Pastel Nagomi Art. It provided a path for me to tap into my senses, grounding me and promoting self-discovery. This practice improved my relationship with myself and others by addressing conflicts that had previously gone unnoticed within me. I started applying the principles of therapeutic arts in my own life and extended this support to HSP, enhancing their wellbeing through a journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

Many HSPs that I’ve helped found great strength and fulfilment in harnessing their sensitivities as a source of personal power. Think of these creative practices as a channel to connect with your inner self, gaining clarity to provide relief for your highly sensitive mind. Together, we’ll learn to attune to our HSP needs and fully embrace the HSP way of life!




Nagomi Art by Mavis Lee


Channeling difficulties into life-affirming expressions, providing a space for inspiration to emerge and allowing creative force to drive positive transformation.

Promoting the life-changing benefits of therapeutic arts and creative interventions. Making therapeutic arts more accessible to non-clinical populations.

