Highly Sensitive People struggle in different ways.

Some find it challenging to stay present and engage in mindfulness, while others deny their sensitivity by neglecting or repressing their emotions. Alternatively, some struggle to reward and appreciate their own strengths to use them to their advantage. 

I help you bring the best out of yourself as you learn to trust what your mind and body are telling you about when and how you feel comfortable in the world full of constant stimulation.

Without the clutter in every day words that often fail to convey true intentions, engaging in therapeutic arts will help you spark new vital insights on the self, relationship and passion.

We often repress our emotions without knowing it, making them become more inaccessible. Bringing them back to our conscious awareness via creative discoveries and make positive changes moving forward is a secret recipe to flourish as a HSP.

I’m here to inspire you.

Therapeutic Art Program

InspirACTION Program

Life Coaching for HSP

  • 45-60 minutes
  • Unstructured – Just let your HIGHLY SENSITIVE MIND speak out loud!
  • This program does not aim to diagnose or treat  pathologies

InspirART Program

Therapeutic Art-Based Coaching for HSP

  • 90-120 minutes
  • Topics to be determined based on personal goals
  • It’s all about embracing your HSP needs and channeling your emotions into life affirming expressions!
  • No artistic talent is necessary – We do not expect you to have real knowledge and experience with arts
  • This program does not aim to diagnose or treat  pathologies
Life Coaching with with creative interventions

What The Inspired HSPs Are Saying

I can’t wait to hear your story, discover what’s holding you back, and INSPIRE you to take ACTIONS to thrive as a HSP!